Oldfield Primary School & Nursery part of the Brontë Academy Trust

Putting Children First

Part of Bronte Academy Trust

Welcome to Robins Class (Unit 2) 2023-2024

We have year 2, year 3 and year 4 children in this class.  Mrs S Barnett is the Robins class teacher and is well supported by Mrs J Birdsall, Mrs A Preston and Miss Z Manning. We are in the bright and newly refurbished classroom upstairs, above the hall. 



Summer Two: The Seaside - Please see below our long term and medium term plans.


PE is on Tuesdays and is taught by Mrs Aspinall. Homework is set on Wednesdays and is due in the following Tuesday, ready to be marked and new work to be sent on the Wednesday. 

 Reading books are sent home daily with their reading diary. We ask that the children read 3-4 times a week at least when at home, even if it is only a couple of pages! Please sign and date when your child has read in their reading diary and please send the books and diaries to school every day with your child. 


Who will be the first one to take the Reading Champion bag home in Summer 1? It will be awarded to a different child in the class each week and contains hot chocolate, a specially selected book, a soft toy to snuggle whilst you read and some mindful colouring pages. We will be looking for those who are reading regularly and having their reading diaries signed.