Oldfield Primary School & Nursery part of the Brontë Academy Trust

Putting Children First

Part of Bronte Academy Trust

 Owl Clipart Flying Owl Clipart, Owl, Clip Art, Fly PNG and Vector with  Transparent Background for Free DownloadWelcome to Unit 3 - Owls' Class! Owl Clipart Flying Owl Clipart, Owl, Clip Art, Fly PNG and Vector with  Transparent Background for Free Download

Year 5/6 Owl Team: 

Mrs Reynolds, Mrs Million-Hicks and Miss Broadley 

Owls had a great day on the moors above Walshaw learning about the importance of looking after the upland moorland which surrounds our school and many of our homes.  They received talks from the fire service, the game keepers, police, Gun dog trainers, Yorkshire Water, the Wildlife Conservation Trust and local sheep farmers and were able to take parts in lots of practical activities.

Summer 2


It's the last term of the year!! This half term is seaside themed throughout our lessons.  In English, we are working based on two very different texts with links to the sea and will be creating a range of styles of writing to show off all the skills which we have learnt this year.  Year 5 are returning to decimals in Maths and Year 6 will complete a variety of problem solving projects which provide opportunities for them to apply all their mathematical skills.  Geography focuses on the British coastlines; how they are formed, why they are important, why we need to protect them and why they are tourist hotspots.  We will compare our coastlines with popular European ones.  If anyone has any seaside photos which show key features of coastlines or tourism in these areas, please email them into school.  In Science the children will learn about the circulatory system and how we can maintain a healthy body.  We will also cover puberty.  

We have quite a few trips, exciting days and visits this half term so please ensure you return letters as soon as possible.

Within The Wood was a brilliant day.  Owls used their map reading skills to find marshmallows, they investigated eggs, learnt how to throw axes and whittle wood to make their own axes. make fire and fish in the stream.  And of course, the annual mud slide challenge which the children definitely won this year! 

Showing what they know about electricity:

Owls were a credit to the school yesterday helping Keighley Town Council plant in the town centre and during their research trip to the library.  They will be able to show you the plants next time you're in town! We learnt a lot about the Victorian legacy in the local area and are now working on non chronological reports about different areas of interest.

Samba drumming and dancing in Owls

World Book Day 2024: Owls Class created their own books based on their interests.  Some were fiction, some were non-fiction: they are all great reads!

Who will be the first one to take the Reading Champion bag home in Spring 2? It will be awarded to a different child in the class each week and contains hot chocolate, a specially selected book, a soft toy to snuggle whilst you read and some mindful colouring pages.

Summer term 2024: Victorian Britain 



Highlights from Spring 1: Science, PE, Maths and Art

Ancient Greek Day: would you rather be a Spartan or an Athenian?

Spring Term 2024

Happy New Year and welcome back to Owls Class for the start of 2024.  We have lots to look forward to during this short half term and hope everyone is looking forward to returning with all their SCARF behaviours.  Our topic is The Ancient Greeks and we are very excited to announce we have an Ancient Greek visiting our school on Tuesday 16th January for the children to learn about life as a Spartan and an Athenian.  The children will conduct independent research into the legacy of the Ancient Greeks and create a class book with their findings.  Our DT is linked to the topic where children will be designing and making a Greek pot using clay.  PE is all about gymnastics; developing skills to create a routine to music.  Science is focusing on forces; each week the children will take part in investigations which will look at a different force to find out how our life and lots of the things we have and use on a regular basis are affected by forces.  PSHE follows the SCARF curriculum which is "Keeping Safe".  Children will discuss whether emotional needs are as important as physical needs, how to stay safe online and the norms, legalities and risks of drugs including alcohol. Maths will be taught to Year 5 and 6 separately but both year groups are working on multiplication, fractions decimals and percentages, perimeter and area and statistics.  Year 6 will also learn about ratio and algebra.  In English we begin the half term looking at myths and legends, reading one of the Percy Jackson series.  We will then move onto information texts and non chronological reports where the children will create their own mythical beast.  The children will continue to have Samba lessons on a Wednesday afternoon.

Christmas Walk 2023.  Owls had a lovely walk in the sunshine.  They did so well, especially through the very wet sections and on the long hill back to The Grouse.  Everyone enjoyed warm soup, crusty bread and a bun once we got there!  Thank you to the parent helpers who came with us.

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!! National Tree Hanging Day 2024. Owls have made some beautiful baubles; have a look at them when you drop off or pick up!

After evaluating Amazonian tribal masks, the children created a series of success criteria to make one, designed their own and are now in the process of making them.

Year 5 are finding equivalent fractions this week.  They loved using the resources to prove their ideas.

Will we manage to grow new mint plants from the side shoots we have collected from Mrs Reynolds' mint plant?

The Year 5 children are attempting to grow potato plants from seed potatoes.  Keep an eye out for updates on their progress.

Autumn 2

During Autumn 2, Owls class will be going on an Amazonian adventure!   They will use geographical skills to find out where the Amazon Rainforest is and how it differs to forests in our local biome in the UK.  Enquiry skills will be used to explore the layers of the Rainforest, finding out about plant, animal and human life, how they are vital for our survival, and how modern-day life around the world is affecting this natural habitat. 

In Science, the children will be learning about life cycles.  After learning about life cycles of amphibians, mammals and birds, they will investigate the life cycle of an animal of their choice.  The children will also learn about reproduction in plants; dissecting a plant to identify the reproductive organs, and animals.  We will go on a trip to Cliffe Castle Museum where we will be able to take part in a hands on workshop about the identification and classification of animals.

Owls walked up to the memorial site of a Canadian plane which crashed during a training flight in January 1944.  We thought about what it would have been like on the night it crashed and will do some story writing related to it.   Some children very kindly brought artefacts related to WWII and life in the army which we have enjoyed looking at and discussing this afternoon.  

Exploring shadows, light sources and proving that light travels in a straight line.

We are looking forward to welcoming the children back to school and have an exciting term ahead.  The classroom is ready for Year 5 and 6 with a new reading area, independent workstation and change in the layout of the desks.

Our topic is "Sandbags and Sirens" - Why did Britain go to war?  The children will find out when WW11 took place and how it started, looking at what else was going on in the world before, during and after that period of time.  They will learn about which countries were involved in the war and how it affected our locality;  we will walk to the War Memorial site on the hills above school where a plane crash occurred and look at local case studies.  We will conduct a comparison between evacuees during WW11 and present day refugees.  In English and Guided Reading, we are reading Letters from the Lighthouse by Emma Carroll and Rose Blanche by Christophe Gallaz, which give insight into WW11 from a child's perspective - we will focus on creative story writing and letter writing in our first half term.  During Maths the children will be building on their knowledge of place value and extending that to use within the four written operations for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.  Light is the focus of our learning in Science where the children will learn how light travels and how we see carrying out a range of interesting investigations to embed their knowledge.